Alexico - "Cadáver Fresco"

Halloween Post #2 belongs to Alexico. This kid is so genuinely demented and the most brilliant way. You probably know him for “Mis amigos y yo te amamos” (and its jaw-dropping video) and his band Selma Oxor. I can’t think of any other day in which his Dios es lo Maximo! EP could sound better; it’s imaginative and scary as hell. The fact that it has 33 tracks (if you can even call them tracks) suggests this is more of an experimental ride. Religion is scary in its nature; it only gets more trembling after Alexico’s bloody approach towards it. “Santisima Trinidad” for example, is a loud erratic track of Alexico screaming “Dios se hizo hombre, se llama Jesus, despues murio, se fue al cielo, y ahora es un pajaro.” But the song I really want to emphasize today is titled “Cadaver Fresco” and it’s creepier than Calle 13’s “John El Esquizofrénico” and Burton’s Sweeny Todd combined. “A-L-E-X-I-C-O se comió a un señor, ALEXICO tiene mucha comezón de cerebros dulces, con mucha sangre, se come tu carne, se come tu carne muscular, y después baila en las noches sin camisa!”