"Clearer light, darker darkness... It is impossible to properly appreciate the light without knowing darkness" (Jean-Paul Sartre).
The transition from darkness to light happens often in one’s life. Whether it originates from a dirty fight, a sense of betrayal or devastating break up, the black void of distress and misery always seems to engulf everything. And then, one day, we make a step forward, leaving the void behind. Darkness gives way to light. The thick fog and blackout period becomes the stepping stone to the positive. The transition can be so powerful sometimes that it is not just a transition from darkness to light, but rather a total transformation of the darkness itself. Distress and misery are not forgotten but negativity and darkness are themselves transformed into light.
“Post Tenebras Lux,” first single off AJ Dávila’s yet-to-be-titled-but-long-awaited solo album takes us on an enthralling cathartic quest for light. Juxtaposed drum smacking, pressing organ progressions and babycito's notorious howls make up the intro of this rowdy upheaval. The buzz of a saxophone (courtesy of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs' Sergio Rotman) are then mingled to distorted guitar roars. Less lo-fi than previous recordings, “Post Tenebras Lux” still retains AJ’s garage rock killer melodies. The sonic chiaroscuro ends in a whirlwind of kaleidoscopic sax inflections, from which nobody emerges quite the same.