Far Out Recordings, Brazil ***1/2
Rating: 77
By Carlos Reyes
A refreshing encounter of groove, tropicalia and rock find themselves in the middle of a fluent sound seizure; this is the unexpectedly confident debut album from Brazil’s Binario. A seven member band that stands out because they have found common ground to maximize themes, which consequently reflects a healthy musical visualization of their own direction and its correlation with their talent. Binario just like Los Amigos Invisibles (but a bit less tropical) appoint a complex instrumentation as the basis of their music, the absence of parallel loops filters its music even more, until we hit a precise point where emotion surrounds the entire piece, luckily Binario allows us to perceive it in so many color schemes and personalities that their first album becomes an irresistible standard. There is a fun collision of sounds that almost feel like instrumental duels, the vocalist and synthesizer in “Amor Liquido”, the drum vs. drum clash in “Balinha” and foremost the ultimate battle between vocals and instruments in “Balinha”, at the end of the track the disfiguration destroys both teams only to find reconstruction in the very mechanical and genuine next track, the unforgettable “Tarde de Mais.” A lot more radical than their fellow Los Hermanos or Skank, Binario is a band to follow for any alternative buffs out there. Too standard in a couple of tracks, at least from a guy’s perspective who’s a lot more attached to pop than the rock edges of say “DPP” or the fast tuned closure “E Ai Galera Voletei.” What’s unquestionable is that they are pushing boundaries aside to step on their own remarks, this hybrid is so well consummated that it is hard to recognize the band’s major influences, but I’m sure it’s an equilibrated mix of regional artists, the world circuit and international electro rock bands, perhaps Radiohead and LCD Sound System. Binario is as warm and refreshing, just like the album cover. Update, the band has just released a digital-only EP titled Jazzhole, check it out.
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