Independiente, Argentina
Rating: 74
by Pierre Lestruhaut
I can easily imagine most people having two types of reactions upon listening to Los Animales Superforros’ contribution to Fonogramáticos Vol. 13 “Chacabit”: a) “Fuck, that was some pretty awesome Animal Collective-level shit right there”; or b) “Ugh, don’t tell me this is another band trying to sound exactly like Animal Collective.” In a way, I think I would kinda share both reactions because, no matter how good the song is, everything in it is just way too reminiscent of that Baltimore band. Just listen to the first 30 seconds and tell me it doesn’t sound like Noah Lennox wailing in any of his solo recordings, or pay attention to its subsequent buoyant amalgamation of overlapping voices, soothing guitar strumming, and tribal drums, and tell me it wouldn’t just fit delightfully in Sung Tongs. And even on an aesthetic level, compare this cover you see on the left to something like... Here Comes the Indian?
Of course it’s easy to imagine that listening to a relatively unknown act borrowing their sound from a widely praised contemporary band would trigger more eye rolling than head nodding, yet I still feel that, being a pretty big AC fan myself, the Argentine outfit is producing some really exciting music. One reason is that indie-psych-folk is very slippery territory, with many people not fearful of exploring it in very kitsch fashion, leading to polarizing results that can go from the jaw-dropping gospel of Danielson to the annoying cheesiness of Andy Mountains. Los Animales Superforros on the other hand (at least in this Coplas EP), succeed precisely in not taking the easy way into indie-psych-folk, avoiding silly ironic self-aware lyricism and twee indulgence and going for a much more psychedelic and melodically sophisticated approach.
Opening track “Copla del Pensamiento” is by far their most accessible track, a pretty straightforward folksy song that’s off-kilter enough for some indie appeal, something not unlike what other Argentine oufits like CLDSCP or Pequeña Orquesta de Trovadores try to do. “Señor de la Montaña” then sees them quickly take the path of electronic venture, with samples taking over the song’s hooks in what’s probably their most post-Sung Tongs AC effort. “Superfurrie” is their catchiest and only sing-along track, an absorbing summer camp effort that holds the anthemic and almost religious qualities of early Akron/Family releases.
But their coolest track, behind the awesome “Chacabit,” is probably “Arpegio,” a beautiful piece that’s melodically absorbing as it is unpredictable, with all of its overlapping free form vocals and AC-like psych-pop glory. Because, yes, Los Animales Superforros will do very little to make us forget just how AC-influenced they are, but in spite of it they still seem to have developed a sound that feels a lot more asserted than the sketchy kid aesthetics of Monona en la Calesita or their electronic-driven early demo recordings. And I think for now, that might just be a good starting point for a sound that could evolve in some very interesting directions.
Of course it’s easy to imagine that listening to a relatively unknown act borrowing their sound from a widely praised contemporary band would trigger more eye rolling than head nodding, yet I still feel that, being a pretty big AC fan myself, the Argentine outfit is producing some really exciting music. One reason is that indie-psych-folk is very slippery territory, with many people not fearful of exploring it in very kitsch fashion, leading to polarizing results that can go from the jaw-dropping gospel of Danielson to the annoying cheesiness of Andy Mountains. Los Animales Superforros on the other hand (at least in this Coplas EP), succeed precisely in not taking the easy way into indie-psych-folk, avoiding silly ironic self-aware lyricism and twee indulgence and going for a much more psychedelic and melodically sophisticated approach.
Opening track “Copla del Pensamiento” is by far their most accessible track, a pretty straightforward folksy song that’s off-kilter enough for some indie appeal, something not unlike what other Argentine oufits like CLDSCP or Pequeña Orquesta de Trovadores try to do. “Señor de la Montaña” then sees them quickly take the path of electronic venture, with samples taking over the song’s hooks in what’s probably their most post-Sung Tongs AC effort. “Superfurrie” is their catchiest and only sing-along track, an absorbing summer camp effort that holds the anthemic and almost religious qualities of early Akron/Family releases.
But their coolest track, behind the awesome “Chacabit,” is probably “Arpegio,” a beautiful piece that’s melodically absorbing as it is unpredictable, with all of its overlapping free form vocals and AC-like psych-pop glory. Because, yes, Los Animales Superforros will do very little to make us forget just how AC-influenced they are, but in spite of it they still seem to have developed a sound that feels a lot more asserted than the sketchy kid aesthetics of Monona en la Calesita or their electronic-driven early demo recordings. And I think for now, that might just be a good starting point for a sound that could evolve in some very interesting directions.