If you go through our Best of 2008 post, you’ll see that the 14th best album of the year was never reviewed or commented; Nictografo by Lucio Mantel got to our hands extremely late and at a very busy time, but I knew it had an assured spot as it is a tremendous breakthrough album not to be missed. It joins the great works of Lisandro Aristimuno, Jorge Drexler and Ulises Hadjis as one of the most powerful folk-pop recollections of this decade. I would go as far as to say that anyone who fell in love with Fleet Foxes will embrace this instrumented poem. Nictografo senses fears, transforms them into illuminating images that luckily find great harmonization by a masterful lyricist with a great voice. It’s a work of quiet passages, pointing us to a talent that will most likely have a long healthy career ahead. For all our features we allow the artist to pick their own song, but I was determined to get “Nadie En El Espejo”, which still makes my eyes watery, aren’t those moments beautiful too? With all due respect to all the great artists we’ve featured so far, I must say this is my favorite track thus far, hopefully a label is smart enough to acquire it for U.S. distribution.

Club Fonograma Features:
Track: "Nadie en el Espejo"
Album: Nictografo
Label: Independiente
Country: Argentina