Juanita y Los Feos put out great video a couple of months ago (“Angelines”), and they weren’t going to let 2010 pass by without releasing a new single. Hailing from the vein of prominent punk to lo-fi bands such as Los Claveles, Montañas and Las Señoras, this awkward yet fascinating quintet is on the shortlist to become Madrid’s most morbid rock band. Our friends at
Noche Pasta describe “Despacho Oval” as a midpoint between “garaga pank y la nueva ola” (garage punk & the new wave). They sound as electrifying as always, carrying their galloping romp to a state of weightless notions. It’s ferociously dark but singable.
The single’s bside “El Twist” is more energetic and catchier. They ask why would anyone dance the Mambo when they could just dance the Twist, genius. The single release (single + bside) is available for free download in exchange for your email address via Discos Humeantes’