Natalia Lafourcade - 14 Días en Japón

If you need any more reasons to fall in love with Natalia Lafourcade, make sure you keep an eye for Natalia’s webseries 14 Dias en Japon, a travelogue documentary of one of her recent trips to Japan. We all know Natalia’s music is universal, but apparently, her sensibilities click tremendously well in that part of the world (no wonder we get so much undisclosed traffic from Asia). Perhaps Natalia’s relationship with Japan would be similar to that of ‘Morrissey and the Mexicans.’ Here is episode #1, it’s gorgeously shot and seriously, the Mexican chanteuse gets prettier every day. It’s so nice to see her promoting her gig, and that guy at the record store is hilarious… “me gusta Luis Miguel.”

Natalia just finished a mini-tour in the states, and is starting to get everything ready to release a new album next year. The 14 episode series (which is actually a documentary) is produced by Mexico’s amazing video project RaRaRa, expect a new episode every week.