Featured: Niña Dioz - "Chicos, Tenis y Cachucha"

Featured: Niña Dioz - "Chicos, Tenis y Cachucha"
El Mixtape II, Mexico

In our last Niña Dioz feature she claimed that techno was back (“El techno esta de vuelta”), she was right, most of our ‘destacados’ are in fact, techno-disco driven albums. This time, she takes on a much more personal track, a letter to her loyal fans and the new ones. She looked stunningly gorgeous in the video “Chicos, Tenis y Cachucha”, it’s weird to say, but it’s that kind of individual pride that keeps us on the edge of our seats in anticipation of La Nueva Escuela (her anticipated debut LP). In the meantime, she is putting the final touches on El Mixtape II, which now has an official release date, November 26.

Niña Dioz had a Q&A with MTV Iggy, where she confesses she feels closer to the ‘Latin Alternative’ scene than to Mexican hip hop. It’s refreshing to see an MC who embraces the hip-hop culture but is not a purist. She is rather on the lookout of what’s truly around her. “Chicos, Tenis y Cachucha” is a must-download, the perfect blend of The Knife’s “Hearbeats” and Niña Dioz’s ‘latin lingo.’ Seems like the kind of track that gets much love over at The Hype Machine, we'll see if their new system of recognizing accents & 'ñs' works on this very hot jam.