Video: Odisea - "Casa Latina"

What do you do when it’s the end of the world and you might be the only survivor? Get down with yourself, of course! That’s what Alex Anwandter and his three costars do in the video for “Casa Latina.” Whether it’s a literal end-of-days, or just the end of a really long day (as seems to be the case for the working gal in this video), sometimes you are your best companion. Or at least your best dance partner. Anwandter has some of the flyest dance moves on the planet, which we’ve already seen in his video for “Cabros” and most recently in his guest appearance in Adrianigual’s “Me Gusta La Noche.” Dude also brings some serious sexyface this time around to rival even the most studied pupils of Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie. Between the West Side Story-esque snaps and the Rainbow Fish shirt, you won’t know whether to expect a Sharks vs. Jets dance-off or a glitter scale-gifting montage. Instead, the video continues in the dystopian aesthetic of “Cabros” and embodies solitude’s simultaneous pain and freedom in the stark landscape of a forgotten city. And the hats that the women don at the end seem to be some sort of symbol of the chosen few to continue in the post-apocalypse world, in which case, I would like to be chosen, please because that is some awesome headgear.