Unofficial Kids-Horror Video for Odisea's "Los Gatitos Hermanos Se Reconocen Despues de Años?"

Here is a very interesting and violent (but moving) unofficial video for Odisea’s “Los Gatitos Se Reconocen Despues de Años?” Alex Anwandter’s debut album is playing extremely well to most of our staff, and this graciously-titled song about brother kittens surviving Chilean opression is one of its most intriguing pieces. This video comes Bernardo Quesney, the guy who also crafted the recent video we show you for Gepe and Javiera Mena’s “Lienza.” This time, he utilizes footage from Cuchillada 1 y Cuchillada 2 directed by himself, which are probably home-horror made shorts that have found a purpose. Personally, I think this may be scarier and more uncomfortable than MGMT’s “Kids” video; ok not really, nothing can be as disturbing.